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Showing posts from October, 2021


  SYNOPSIS Someone on this quiet, unassuming cul-de-sac will be shot dead in the middle of a sultry July night. Will it be Maggie, the perfectionist wife, or Craig, the husband who can’t quite live up to her expectations? They’ve packed up their two children and fled their life in California, hoping for a fresh start in Florida, only to find the demons of the past hovering on their doorstep. Maybe it will be Nick, a highly respected oncologist, or his wife, Dani, a successful dentist, both with well-kept secrets of their own. Or perhaps the victim will be Julia, an elderly widow, whose troubled grandson has recently moved in with her, introducing unsavory habits and even more unsavory acquaintances into her formerly quiet existence. Then there’s Olivia and her husband, Sean. Having lost his job at a prestigious advertising agency, Sean is depressed, resentful of his working wife, and drinking heavily. He is also prone to increasingly violent fantasies. And what of the newlyweds, Ai...


  SYNOPSIS As chief bridesmaid, Libby knows she should be having the time of her life at her best friend’s snowy Christmas Eve wedding. But she’s at the mercy of three bossy little flower girls and she’s not looking her best in an enormous fuchsia dress. Which is a shame, as it is the first time she’s going to see her ex Rufus. The man she was supposed to marry. The man who left her alone at the altar… As the dancing begins, and Libby does her best to avoid her ex, the snow outside falls faster and faster, making it impossible for the guests to leave. Snowed in at Lovage Hall, Libby is charmed by American Noah with his dark cropped hair and dimpled cheeks, and the two of them share their dreams and a very passionate kiss. But when the morning comes, and the snow melts, a shocking revelation about Noah comes to light and Rufus reveals the desperately sad reason he ended their relationship. As Rufus begs for another chance, Libby’s head tells her to trust the man she’s known for year...


  SINOPSIS ¿Cuál fue el primer hueso fosilizado que se encontró? ¿A quién se le ocurrió llamarlos dinosaurios? ¿Cómo los imaginaban los científicos en el pasado? ¿Desde cuándo estamos obsesionados con ellos? ¿Sabías que el Spinosaurus necesitó de cien años de hallazgos e investigaciones para revelar su verdadero aspecto? ¿Qué relación tienen los restos fósiles de dinosaurios y otras criaturas prehistóricas con nuestras leyendas? ¿Sabías que los dinosaurios han sido protagonistas de relatos de ficción desde hace más de un siglo? ¿Y que incluso se han usado de manera recurrente como reclamo publicitario desde hace décadas? ¿Qué sabemos en pleno siglo xxi sobre cómo eran en realidad? Francesc Gascó, paleontólogo y divulgador científico especializado en dinosaurología, aborda en esta obra la historia completa de nuestra relación con los dinosaurios, desde aquel flechazo que fueron los primeros restos fósiles que se encontraron e interpretaron de manera científica, hasta los últimos des...


SINOPSIS ¿Serías capaz de traicionar a un paciente para evitar un asesinato? Ana García de la Serna es psicóloga y trabaja por inercia en el departamento de Recursos Humanos de una gran empresa del sector audiovisual. Movida por la decisión de su madre de trasladarse a la India y de cederle su lugar en el gabinete de psicología del que es cofundadora, decide aceptar el reto y salir de su zona de confort. Pero su primera paciente se convierte en un desafío para el que no está preparada. Rosario Jiménez, agente de la Policía Nacional, le revela en consulta que piensa cometer un asesinato y quitarse la vida después. Ana no sabe si debe denunciar la confesión o respetar el secreto profesional. Y aunque es consciente de que el odio que Rosario siente en las manos es incontrolable, su instinto le dice que detrás de toda esa frialdad, de toda esa rabia, se esconde algo todavía más aterrador. Y no está dispuesta a parar hasta descubrirlo. Título: Odio en las manos Autor: María Gómez Editorial:...


  SYNOPSIS Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detective Eve Ronin and her soon-to-retire partner, Duncan Pavone, are running a 24-7 sting in a guard-gated enclave of palatial homes in Calabasas. Their luxury McMansion is a honey trap, set to lure in the violent home invaders terrorizing the community. The trap works, leaving three intruders dead, a body count that nearly includes Eve and Duncan. Eve’s bosses are eager to declare the case closed, but there are too many unanswered questions for her to let go. Was the trap actually for her, bloody payback for Eve’s very public takedown of a clique of corrupt deputies? Or is there an even deadlier secret lurking behind those opulent gates? Eve’s refusal to back down and her relentless quest for the truth make her both the hunter…and the prey. Title: Gated prey Author: Lee Goldberg Series: Eve Ronin #3 Publisher: Thomas & Mercer Publication date: October 26, 2021 REVIEW RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Gated Prey is the third installment in the Eve Ronin ser...


SINOPSIS Un joven español da tumbos por Berlín. En su teléfono conviven apps para buscar piso, trabajo y sexo. Su abuela también emigró a Alemania, pero acabó volviendo al pueblo para formar una familia. Allí es testigo de cómo su nieto hace dos descubrimientos: que es marica y que es pobre. Título: El Power Ranger Rosa Autor: Christo Casas Editorial: niños gratis* Fecha de publicación: 1 Diciembre 2020 RESEÑA VALORACIÓN: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dice el refrán que “el buen perfume se vende en frasco pequeño” y, aunque “El Power Ranger Rosa” no es un perfume, cumple con el dicho a la perfección. En un formato de bolsillo (literal) y apenas 120 páginas encierra una historia actual y a la vez nostálgica que atrapa desde las primeras líneas.  Esta es la historia de un joven español que ha dejado atrás su vida en España en busca de oportunidades en Berlín, y al mismo tiempo es la historia de su abuela, quien años atrás también emigró a Alemania huyendo del franquismo. Las historias de ambos se van entre...


  SINOPSIS Dos historias de amor separadas en el tiempo pero unidas por el misterio de un cuadro desaparecido. Un peligroso juego de amenazas e intereses ocultos que cambiará la vida de los protagonistas para siempre. Madrid, en la actualidad: hasta que El Astrólogo se cruzó en su camino, Ana, una joven historiadora del arte del Museo del Prado, llevaba una vida tranquila junto a Konrad, un rico empresario y coleccionista de arte alemán. Pero de repente llega a sus manos una carta escrita durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que los pone sobre la pista del misterioso cuadro atribuido a Giorgione, el enigmático pintor del Renacimiento. Alentado por el enorme valor de El Astrólogo, Konrad convence a Ana para embarcarse en su búsqueda. La joven, consciente de todas las dificultades que se le presentan, pedirá ayuda al doctor Alain Arnoux de la Universidad de la Sorbona, especialista en localizar obras de arte expoliadas por los nazis. Pero esta decisión solo parece complicarle las cosas....


SINOPSIS Esta es una novela para audaces.  Ya en la primera página el lector recibe el primer impacto: sigue leyendo si te atreves, nos reta la autora Si lo haces, asistirás a la autopsia de un extraño cadáver en el Instituto Anatómico Forense de Madrid. Es el cuerpo de una mujer joven, famosa, rica y depresiva -Nina Vidal- a la que han asesinado con una crueldad tan inimagible como… ¿creativa? Días después, aparece el cadáver de otra joven, también famosa y rica. Las dos víctimas eran amigas y se habían criado juntas en el ambiente más elitista y poderoso de España. Alguien está imitando las torturas más brutales de la historia de la humanidad. A Nina Vidal la asesinan como al avaricioso Craso, el romano que llevó al poder a Julio César. A María Vives la despellejan con conchas marinas, como a Hipatia de Alejandría. ¿Quién será la siguiente víctima? ¿Qué tortura habrá pensado el asesino para ella? En una carrera contrarreloj, Ana Arén se enfrenta al mayor desafío de su carrera pro...


  SYNOPSIS When Amira takes her mother Afrah to Ravenswood Lodge Care Home, she thinks they will both be safe. But the past is just around the corner . . . Amira is struggling to look after her mother, Afrah. So when they arrive at Ravenswood Lodge Care Home, beautiful and imposing against the background of the Scottish Highlands, she hopes it is the right decision for them both. But soon Afrah insists her belongings are being stolen, her photographs, her jewellery, her pill boxes, Amira and the staff are convinced it's just Afrah's imagination, it's just her memory. But Afrah knows Ravenswood Lodge isn't a safe place. Could it have something to do with the past? She remembers newspaper clippings, hazy images of a fire years ago, a memory she's spent years forgetting and now she just wants to remember. Someone wants her gone. But first, she needs to convince Amira of the truth. Title: Care for me Author: Farah Cook Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Publication date:...


SYNOPSIS One dinner party will destroy everything. The night that throws a wrecking ball into Abby’s life starts out perfectly at first. There’s still a hint of summer sun in the purple-streaked sky. Abby and her best friend, Sienna, look on fondly as their two husbands laugh under the garden gazebo. None of them know it’s the last time they will be together again. What starts out as just a little fun, has devastating consequences for the couples. Alone with Sienna’s husband, Greg, Abby finds him unexpectedly charming. And something happens that night that neither she nor Greg can take back. Abby is desperate to tell her husband and Sienna the truth, but can’t risk Greg sharing what he knows about her. She has no choice but to keep quiet. Then Greg suddenly disappears. Is her best friend’s husband simply running from his secrets? Or has someone decided they can’t risk that he may share theirs? Title: The other husband Author: Kathryn Croft Publisher: Canelo Publication date: October 14...


  SYNOPSIS Mary used to be such a nice girl. She was the resident whiz kid of Liberty Lake, Minnesota—the quiet, chubby teen with the scholarship to an Ivy League school. But three years later, “Ivy League Mary” is back—a thinner, cynical, restless failure who was kicked out of Cor­nell at the beginning of her senior year and won’t tell anyone why. Taking a job at the local grocery store, Mary tries to make sense of her life’s sharp downward spiral. Then beautiful, magnetic Olivia Willand goes missing. A rising social media star, Olivia is admired by everyone in Liberty Lake—except Mary. Once Olivia’s best friend, Mary knows better than anyone that behind the Instagram persona hides a willful, manipulative girl with sharp edges. As the town obsesses over perfect, lovely Olivia, Mary wonders if her disappearance might be tied to another missing person: nineteen-year-old DeMaria Jackson, whose case has been widely dismissed as a runaway. Who is the real Olivia Willand, and where did ...


SYNOPSIS Dear Santa, I wish I could believe in magic again. From, Sasha Hansley. Sasha Hansley hates Christmas. As a child, it was her favourite time of year, but ever since the tragic death of her mother, it has completely lost its magic. But when she gets an unexpected phone call from her estranged father, she’s forced to dust off her snow boots. He’s been running a Lapland style Christmas village in Norway and after suffering a heart attack, he is on strict doctor’s orders to slow down. Eager to reconnect with her dad, Sasha books the next flight out there. Only she’s never actually been on a plane before, let alone to the Arctic Circle. Met at the runway by drop-dead-gorgeous Taavi Salvesen, they sleigh ride through the snow with the Northern Lights guiding their way. When Sasha uncovers sacks of unopened Santa mail – letters that children and adults from all over the world write to Santa every year – she realises that she can send a little bit of magic out into the world by replyi...