’Till death do us part may come sooner than they thought…
1934. Kitty Underhay steps out of the battered Rolls Royce and onto the gravelled driveway of Thurscomb Castle in deepest Yorkshire. She’s honoured to be a bridesmaid at her cousin Lucy’s wedding to the reluctant Lord Rupert Woodcomb, but as family and friends gather for welcome drinks, Kitty dodges intrusive questions about her own marital status by taking a stroll about the castle grounds. As she passes through the manicured gardens, a fatal shot rings out…
The valet, Evans, is dead. And Kitty can’t help but notice how rattled the man standing next to him seems. Could Rupert’s best man, The Right Honourable Alexander ‘Sandy’ Galsworthy, believe the speeding bullet was meant for him?
When she discovers that Sandy has been receiving blackmail notes, Kitty suspects that one of the assembled guests has plans to make good on their threats. The local constabulary won’t act on Kitty’s hunch, so, busy with her bridesmaid’s duties, she asks her beau, ex-army captain Matthew Bryant, to help.
The ceremony passes without a hitch. But when an anxious Sandy slips away during the dancing, Matt follows, only to make a hideous discovery: Sandy is dead, flattened on the terrace by some falling masonry.
Now the duo are sure that there is a murderer within the castle walls. But can they untangle Sandy’s final hours and catch this killer before they strike again, or will the wedding bells be replaced by a death knell for Kitty herself…?
Title: Murder at the wedding
Author: Helena Dixon
Series: Miss Underhay Mysteries #7
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication date: October 6, 2021
Helena Dixon was born and continues to live in the Black Country. Married to the same man for over thirty years she has three daughters, a cactus called Spike, a crazy cockapoo and a tank of tropical fish. Helena was the RNA winner of the Romance Prize in 2007 and Love Story of the Year 2010.
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RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Here comes the bride, the groom…and the corpse. Cause it wouldn’t be a Kitty Underhay adventure without a dead body. Such fun!
Murder at the wedding is the 7th installment in the Miss Underhay Mysteries Series and a Good addition to it. Kitty and Captain Bryant travel to Thurscomb Castle in Yorkshire to attend the wedding of her cousin Lucy, but soon the festivities are interrupted by a murder that may or may not have claimed the correct victim. Kitty and Matthew put their brains to work to try and save the wedding but another murder will threaten the happily ever after.
Once again, this was a really enjoyable murder mystery. Kitty and Matt are both well developed characters and Kitty is such a breath of fresh air, an independent and strong woman defying the conventions of her time. I like how she won’t accept to change for any man and her conviction that if Matthew want to be with her he’ll have to take her as she is. I also love how he slowly seems to be overcoming this idea that he needs to be her savior each and every time. The ending, to that respect, was so perfect. I can’t wait t osee how their story continues.
The murder mystery was also a good one with plenty of suspects and red-herrings and, although the choice of “villain” was not that surprising, the final confrontation was a fun and tense one to read.
If you’re a fan of cozy historical mysteries what are you waiting for to start this series?
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing and eARC in exchange for an honest review.
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